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Relationship Support Services

Parenting and Child Relationship Support

Often children can have issues with a parent, sibling or peer relationships. These are frequently identified in the school setting, where access to counsellors or referral networks may also be facilitated. If working with developmentally-trained psychologists, parents can feel the situation is being sufficiently addressed, but parents commonly overlook their own needs, being so focussed on the love or distress they feel for their child.

Sometimes the child’s responses may even reflect some of the parent’s needs and experiences that have not yet been addressed or ideally supported. Parents are not infrequently recovering from their own parenting wounds, or feel they can’t discuss their feelings of fear or inadequacy with other parents. They can feel hurt, rejected and ostracised, but not really understand why.

It’s a normal thing to feel doubt about parenting and childcare abilities at various stages of children’s challenges. Our other relationships, whether with extended family, in personal friendship groups, with partners, at work or socially, can challenge our feelings about the ways we feel we parent best. We can also feel lonely if we lack a place to privately discuss our doubts and other feelings, especially about how effective we feel as parents, or as partners of parents with children.

At Wellselves, we aim to give you the support you may be lacking for yourself as a parent, to help you recognise your own needs, improve your personal parenting skills and experiences, restore your parenting confidence and energy, and ultimately develop a closer bond with your child.

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