Working privately and confidentially with an experienced psychologist can help you get a better handle on your issue, and more quickly and accurately identify appropriate strategies to help you improve your wellbeing. Psychologists are trained mental and emotional wellness support professionals who use proven therapeutic techniques and professional skill to assess what is connected with unusual or upsetting feelings or thought experiences. We work with clients across a spectrum of need, from those who are ‘worried well’ to those experiencing an acute condition, and those managing chronic symptoms. All therapeutic psychological techniques used by our psychologists follow professional treatment rationales. Psychologists complete continuous, ongoing therapeutic training in chosen psychotherapies. These therapies must be professionally acceptable and supported by a substantial base of evidence that shows, repeatedly, they are effective.
Tertiary-educated, registered and experienced, professional psychologists will have studied and trained for almost a decade to achieve professional registration. Psychologists may only use their professional title as practitioners, if currently registered with the Australian Health Regulation Authority. To maintain registration, psychologists are also legislatively required to professionally upgrade and practise their assessment and therapeutic skills regularly.